Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Its been a lush day and at last the spuds have arrived, i couldnt be bothered chitting them so they have been stuck in the ground with a good smattering of rooster booster (chicken shit pellots).

This is a pic of the little spot at the top of the plot where we can survey the allotment...our kingdom

The runner beans going in..i think we might have to many...any recipies for runner bean pickle are welcome

Im trying to level the top bed so that we can start putting the poly tunnel in.

This is a rhubarb flower looks like monkey brains to me.

Behold....the spuds, vanessa, maris piper and charlotte

runner beans

It almost looks like i know what im doing, I have replace my head with a large bale of straw.

Beans beans beans the more you eat the more you parp

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